I dont even have a bike yet but ill problebly be geting a Suzuki Rm 125cc 2 Stroke in a month or two once my parents pay off a bill and i was just woundering cause i think im sure on how to start it up and stuff just shift to first and pull in the clutch and give the bike a little gas and let it out slowly i was woundering about if it doesnt matter if its the exact same to get in the higher gears or does it not matter how fast im going. sorry for the dumb question lol im a noob :) and ive only riden a dirtbike 3 times befor but i didnt shift it into gear.
start the bike then pull the
start the bike then pull the cluch in and shift into 1st gear in when ur just learning to ride just let the cluch out slower while giving it some gas but ur learn though time
if you are gettin your first
if you are gettin your first bike.. and you dont even know how to ride.. try getting the suzuki 125.. 4 stroke .. or you are going to kill yourself!
i dont suggest....
if i were you i wouldnt try learning on a 2 stroke 125 you will die!!!! lol