Well, its a bit late to be writing a blog about this, but I broke my arm on December the 28th, and just got the plaster off on February the 7th.
I was riding down a hill in the bush and at the bottom were some big dried up puddle holes that had been greatly enlarged by 4wd traffic. I was going a bit too fast perhaps, and the front end just whipped out from under me in one of the holes.
Broke the arm bones just near the wrist.
Now I have to move the wrist around to get movement back in it after 7 weeks of plaster (well, fiberglass). Doctor says healing has gone on, but wants to see me in another four weeks. So I guess it will be at least that before it feels 100% right.
So, its been ages since the blue beast has been for a burn, and it looks like being longer still! and boy am I missing it.
I think i'll get a new front tyre pretty much straight away though ;-/