By hungryman313, 2 April, 2007 Forum Topics Discussions I just thought we should make a thread on what to look for when buying a bike, no one wants to get ripped off so list your thoughts here. 4 strokessss if its a newer big 4 stroke ask if theyve had the top end done up lately and #1.... ask why trey're selling it. If you dont, they could be selling it because it wont run
4 strokessss if its a newer big 4 stroke ask if theyve had the top end done up lately and #1.... ask why trey're selling it. If you dont, they could be selling it because it wont run
4 strokessss
if its a newer big 4 stroke ask if theyve had the top end done up lately
and #1.... ask why trey're selling it. If you dont, they could be selling it because it wont run